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進撃の巨人 第00-30巻 [Shingeki no Kyojin vol 00-30]


進撃の巨人 00-30 [Shingeki no Kyojin vol 00-30]

進撃の巨人 30

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Title :
進撃の巨人 00-30 [Shingeki no Kyojin vol 00-30]
Related Series

Associated Names
一般コミック)[諌山創] 進撃の巨人
Advancing Giants
Attack of The Titans
Attack on Titan
Shingeki no Kyodai
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Shingeki_no_Kyoji Kansaiben v01.zip – 162.9 MB
Shingeki_no_Kyojin_v01-02.zip – 161.3 MB
Shingeki_no_Kyojin_v03.zip – 106.0 MB
Shingeki_no_Kyojin_v04.zip – 72.9 MB
Shingeki_no_Kyojin_v05b.zip – 113.9 MB
Shingeki_no_Kyojin_v06.zip – 118.5 MB
Shingeki_no_Kyojin_v07.zip – 122.8 MB
Shingeki_no_Kyojin_08.zip – 117.6 MB
Shingeki_no_Kyojin_09.zip – 65.7 MB
Shingeki_no_Kyojin_10.zip – 113.3 MB
Shingeki_no_Kyojin_11.zip – 132.0 MB
Shingeki_no_Kyojin_12.zip – 102.8 MB
Shingeki_no_Kyojin_13.zip – 108.4 MB
Shingeki_no_Kyojin_INSIDE.zip – 117.9 MB
Shingeki_no_Kyojin_OUTSIDE.zip – 75.5 MB
Shingeki_no_Kyojin_Tokubetsuhen.zip – 8.6 MB
Shingeki_no_Kyojin_v08_Genteiban.zip – 37.7 MB
Shingeki_no_Kyojin_v13b.zip – 146.6 MB
Shingeki_no_Kyojin_v13-OAD.zip – 435.4 MB
Shingeki_no_Kyojin_v14.zip – 191.0 MB
Shingeki_no_Kyojin_v14b.zip – 153.6 MB
Shingeki_no_Kyojin_v15.zip – 33.5 MB
Shingeki_no_Kyojin_v16.zip – 120.1 MB
Shingeki_no_Kyojin_v17.zip – 111.0 MB
Shingeki_no_Kyojin_v18.zip – 110.3 MB
Shingeki_no_Kyojin_v19.zip – 106.9 MB
Shingeki Kyojin v20.zip – 112.9 MB
Shingeki Kyojin v21.zip – 107.0 MB
Shingeki Kyojin v22.zip – 114.0 MB
Shingeki Kyojin v23.zip – 111.8 MB
Shingeki Kyojin v24.zip – 30.8 MB
Shingeki Kyojin v25.zip – 48.8 MB
Shingeki Kyojin v26.zip – 135.0 MB
Shingeki Kyojin v27.zip – 119.1 MB
Shingeki Kyojin v28.zip – 123.7 MB
Shingeki Kyojin v29.zip – 90.4 MB
Shingeki Kyojin v30.zip – 303.2 MB



#Manga #Shingeki_no_Kyojin #Attack_on_Titan


نکنه: لازم است یادآوری کنم که این مانگاها زبان اصلی است؟ 




Attack on Titan - Episode 47 [Review]





Attack on Titan - Episode 47 [Review]


This week is Attack on Titan's big infodump for everyone's favorite Killer Cowboy, Kenny the Ripper. It's an interesting morsel of a much larger story that's still very much in progress, and as far as fleshing out more of Kenny's backstory and the general history of AoT's world is concerned, “Friends” gets the job done. That said, it's one of the bumpier rides the show has delivered so far this season, feeling less like a cohesive backstory episode and more like a combination of leftover scraps that, while definitely important to the bigger picture of Attack on Titan's narrative, don't necessarily fit together so neatly.


We'll start with Kenny himself, who gets the lion's share of the episode devoted to revealing how his relationships with the Reisses formed, and how his generally bleak and violent existence brought him to where he is today, dying of terrible burns under a tree while Levi watches. The opening scene sets up the most interesting thread of the episode, which is Kenny's begrudging friendship with Rod Reiss' doomed brother, Uri. In typical Attack on Titan fashion, this begins with Uri almost crushing Kenny to death with his Titan hand after Kenny fails to assassinate him, on account of the Ackermanns being exiled from society and demonized as traitors. Given how Kenny seems to respect power above all else, he convinces Uri to let him live and serve as an adviser, so thus begins a strange relationship that lasts until Uri dies and passes on the Founding Titan's power to Frieda.


This newfound power on Kenny's part leads to a couple of noteworthy developments, but “Friends” also takes some time to address Kenny's relationship with Levi, which is honestly less engaging than I expected it to be. Levi's mother was Kenny's sister, and after she died of starvation, Kenny took it upon himself to at least teach Levi how to use his Ackermann strength to cause a little chaos and get by in the Underground. To be honest, this sequence is probably more noteworthy for how much time we spend in the mysterious subterranean city that has only ever been hinted at before, as even Kenny admits that he was never cut out to be a father and just leaves Levi down there alone one day. If there are any more complications or nuances to be found in this relationship, this episode doesn't explore them, and I'll admit that I was hoping for more ground to cover between these two, especially since Kenny dies this week.


Kenny and Uri's friendship is much more compelling, although it's not necessarily due to how the pair interacted when Uri was alive. Rather, I liked how Kenny's motivation for potentially stealing the royal family's Titan abilities for himself isn't just about seeking pure power, but about trying to connect with humanity. It isn't clear if Kenny is a straight up sociopath, or if his hard life as both an Ackermann and a person forced to live in the Underground has ruined his ability to form connections with others. Either way, it seemed to Kenny that Uri became a more empathetic and emotional person as he lived with his powers over time, and part of the reason Kenny formed his Anti-Personnel Control Squad to begin with was for Kenny to see if such a transformation was possible for him too.


Even with this backstory episode, we still haven't gotten enough details about the APCS to justify their undying loyalty to a man like Kenny, who admitted to gleefully killing his followers' comrades for years before they joined up with him. The one nihilistic speech we get from the blonde girl that died in the cave collapse a couple of weeks ago wasn't quite enough to make up for that lack of development. And since Kenny and Levi have shared so little screen time, it's hard to get invested in Kenny's apparent death this week either. Knowing this show, I wouldn't be surprised if Levi secretly injected Kenny with slow-acting Titan Juice for a surprise reappearance down the line, but for now I'm considering Kenny's role in this story to be more disappointing than anything else.


The rest of the episode feels similarly rushed; we get Historia's coronation, which was nice, though I wasn't a fan of the awkward way the episode reexplained the reasoning behind Historia's gambit last week. I understand her need to assert her royal authority as quickly as possible, but it ends up making the way the team took on Rod Reiss feel even more contrived, and the way the crowd conveniently keeps shouting how impressed they were with Historia's kill was another bit of uncharacteristically lame writing. Still, the scene where everyone cheers on Historia's revenge punch for Levi was pretty cute.


Then, out of nowhere, the episode ends with a cut to Titan Reiner getting the snot kicked out of him by the Beast Titan, with the final shot showing us the mysterious blond man inside of the Beast from the end of season 2. I understand why this scene would arrive now, at the conclusion of season 3's first story arc, but it's still a janky way to reintroduce a plot point that we haven't gotten hints of for over a year. I'm looking forward to the Titans coming back into the narrative more regularly now that this coup is over, but I do think this arc started much stronger than it finished up. Even with all of the manga's fat trimmed off, I can see why this part of AoT's narrative wasn't everyone's favorite part of the story. I loved many parts of it, but it's clear the series is still figuring out how it wants to handle its more complicated long-term story beats. Historia is the Queen now at least, so I'm prepared to consider these first ten episodes a net positive overall.





Attack on Titan - Episode 41 [Review]





Attack on Titan - Episode 41 [Review]


Given that it feels like Attack on Titan's first season concluded a lifetime ago, and the more recent second round was such a tightly wound gearbox of dread and grim fights for survival, I'd honestly forgotten what it felt like for the show to breathe a little and revel in slighter shades of plot and tone that long anime epics like this usually indulge. The first few episodes of this third season were all about dousing our heroes' support systems with all the narrative gasoline that's going to fuel this world's impending political firestorm. That's all well and good, but “Trust” made me realize how glad I am that this more ambitious arc is giving Attack on Titan opportunities to pause and decompress. We even get some jokes, which are more than welcome at this stage of the game, considering that all signs point to nothing but bad news further down the line.


This episode offers little victories to balance out the plot's increasingly dire stakes, where soldiers and common folk alike demonstrate their own strength of character as the world around them becomes more clouded with political strife. The opening scene re-introduces us to two young members of the Military Police, Marlo and Hitch, who have been tasked with patrolling the forest in search of Levi's fugitive squad. It's easy to forget that, in the world of the show itself, it's only been days since Annie's rampage destroyed much of Stohess District at the end of the first season, and nobody outside of the main cast knows the truth about Annie and the rest of the Titan shifters. Marlo already suspects that the government's witch hunt for the Scouts is bogus, but Hitch is understandably still rattled over the Scouts' battle with Annie destroying her home.


As viewers, we have the advantage of knowing the truth about the real good guys and bad guys, at least for now, but so much of this episode is about how the Powers That Be have more than enough influence to cover up the truth and shape the narrative of this struggle to their own advantage. One of the emerging themes that I find most interesting about this arc is how the onus of heroic self-determination that's usually reserved for the main hero of a given story is now being passed on to everyone. When Marlo and Hitch get captured by Squad Levi, they both have to decide whether they will believe what the government has told them or risk everything to fight on the side of revolution. The actual trial that Jean puts them through is hilarious on its own; he wants to test their resolve by pretending that he's going to execute them in the middle of the woods, but he's just so bad at it, tripping and falling like a doofus before getting cold-clocked by Hitch with a stick. Not only does it demonstrate Marlo and Hitch's trustworthiness, it also serves as a potent reminder of how far Jean has come since serving as the Draco to Eren's Harry Potter back in training. Even in times as desperate as these, he's willing to stick his neck out for people he feels he can trust.


Speaking of sticking one's neck out, the best little arc of the episode shockingly belongs to Flegel Reeves, the perpetually sobbing progeny of the late Dimo Reeves. Hange pulls a Spider-Man and rescues the poor guy from the gang of MPs that have been hunting him down so they can prevent him from revealing the truth behind his father's death, but the junior Reeves is very reluctant to put his life on the line to help the Scouts clear Erwin's name. But he manages to find his own spark of heroism when he uses himself as bait and tricks the MPs into revealing their cover-up in front of a whole mass of listening civilians. It's a predictable trope, but this scene delivers both a badass moment of bullet-dodging for Hange, as well as the instantly classic image of Flegel announcing his noble intentions while using a soldier's face for a chair, so I'm more than ready to forgive the show for dragging out such a well-worn cliché.


Outside of those two funny beats, much of this episode is dedicated to setting up more pieces for the plot to come. Erwin is being led to a final audience with the King before his execution, and Levi's Squad are taking out small bands of soldiers to try and scrounge up Eren and Historia's whereabouts. The only “reveal” that these threads have to offer this week is Levi and Mikasa discovering that Kenny is also an Ackermann. Personally, I find it hard to be particularly interested in either Levi or Kenny's newfound connection to Mikasa's family name, since the twist doesn't mean much for the characters yet. Levi and Mikasa have barely interacted throughout the past 40 episodes, so it isn't like this completely changes their relationship or anything. I'm sure all of this groundwork is being laid for future mysteries and drama that Mikasa, Levi, and Kenny will have to reckon with, but it isn't much to go on at this point. Levi is already going to some pretty dark places this season, so I imagine that whenever he and Mikasa do finally cross path with Kenny again, it'll contain a lot more gunshots and stab wounds than your typical family reunion.




Attack on Titan: Part 2 – 2015


See the source image


Attack on Titan: Part 2 – 2015




نام لایواکشن: Attack on Titan: Part 2

نام لایواکشن: Attack on Titan II: End of the World

ژانر: Action, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Sci-Fi

تاریخ پخش: 20 اکتبر 2015

مدت زمان لایواکشن: 88 دقیقه

کشور سازنده: ژاپن

زبان اصلی لایواکشن: ژاپنی

کارگردان: Shinji Higuchi

بازیگران: Haruma Miura, Hiroki Hasegawa, Kanata Hongô

استودیو: FUNimation Films

زیرنویس فارسی و انگلیسی دارد




لینک‌های مربوط به لایواکشن

+ لینک فایل تورنت (MKV, Part 1 & 2, 720P, BluRay, x264, RAW, 7.8GB)

+ لینک فایل تورنت (MP4, x264, 480P, RAW, 730MB)

+ لینک دانلود لایواکشن (MKV, 720P, BluRay, ~700MB)

+ لینک دانلود لایواکشن (MKV, 1080P, BluRay, ~1.2GB)

+ لینک دانلود زیرنویس فارسی

+ لینک فایل تورنت (MKV, Part 1 & 2, BDRip, EN Sub, 536P, 4.9GB)

+ لینک فایل تورنت (MKV, 720P, BluRay, Part 1 & 2, EN Sub, 1.5GB)

+ تماشای تریلر لایواکشن: لینک // لینک

+ اطلاعات بیشتر: سایت // سایت // سایت // سایت

+ تماشای آنلاین لایواکشن





خلاصه داستان (منبع)

اِرن” کمک با دوستانش سعی می کنند غول بزرگی که به شهرشان حمله کرده است را برای همیشه نابود کنند ، اما این غول عظیم الجثه اکنون از قدرت و یاران بیشتری برخوردار است که این کار را برای نابودی شهر تایتان آسان تر می کند و






توضیحات من درباره‌ی لایواکشن Attack on Titan: Part 2

تا اینجا نصف این قسمت رو دیدم.

کلا هر چی از اتک تیتان توی سرتون دارین بندازین کنار.

اصلا یه چی دیگه حساب کنین این فیلم دوم رو!

لااقل تا اینجا که دارم نگاه می‌کنم.

دقیقا کاپیتان لیوای چی کار داره می‌کنه؟

چی جوریاس که اینجا نقش منفی داره؟

اصلا روند داستان عوض شده!

نه، خوشم نیومد. راضی نیستم فعلا.

البته اگه داری به دید اتک تیتان نگاه می‌کنی.

شاید اگه به دیدِ یه فیلم دیگه نگاهش کنی، قابل قبول باشه.

و نه این که کاراکتر مورد علاقه‌م، کاپیتان لیوای است، برای همین، نمی‌تونم با این قسمت کنار بیام.

رسیدم به دقیقه 58! این چی داره میگه؟

یعنی چی که کاپیتان لیوای هم تبدیل شد؟! هان؟

نکنه توی مانگا هست. من خیلی از آنگوئینگ عقب هستم. (35 چپتر عقب هستم.)

برای همین نمی‌دونم واقعا این اتفاق میافته یا نه.


چی شده که اینجا کاپیتان لیوای رو آدم بده کردن؟ هان؟

هی وای من! دلم نمی‌خواد بقیه‌ش رو نگاه کنم.

اینجا کاپیتان لیوای کُشته شد.

نه نه نه! من این فیلم رو اصلا قبول ندارم. قبول ندارم.






Attack on Titan: Part 1 – 2015




Attack on Titan: Part 1 – 2015



نام لایواکشن: Attack on Titan: Part 1

نام لایواکشن: Shingeki no Kyojin

ژانر: Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Sci-Fi

تاریخ پخش: 13 آگوست 2015

کشور سازنده: ژاپن

زبان اصلی لایواکشن: ژاپنی

مدت زمان لایواکشن: 1 ساعت و 38 دقیقه

کارگردان: Shinji Higuchi

بازیگران: Ashly Burch, Bryce Papenbrook, Monica Rial

زیرنویس فارسی و انلگیسی دارد

* انیمه با زیرنویس فارسی و مانگا با ترجمه فارسی دارد.



لینک‌های مربوط به لایواکشن

+ تماشای تریلر لایواکشن

+ لینک دانلود لایواکشن (MKV, 720P, BluRay, ~851MB)

+ لینک دانلود لایواکشن (MKV, 1080P, BluRay, ~1.5GB)

+ لینک دانلود زیرنویس فارسی

+ لینک فایل تورنت (MKV, Part 1 & 2, BDRip, EN Sub, 536P, 4.9GB)

+ لینک فایل تورنت (MKV, 720P, BluRay, Part 1 & 2, EN Sub, 1.5GB)

+ لینک فایل تورنت (MP4, Part 1, RAW, x264, 480P, 820MB)

+ تصاویر لایواکشن: عکس // عکس

+ اطلاعات بیشتر: سایت // سایت // سایت // سایت

+ تماشای آنلاین لایواکشن




خلاصه فیلم سینمایی (منبع)

نسل بشر در حال نابود شدن به دست تایتان ها است. اکنون امید بشریت به پسری جوان به نام «اِرن» است، کسی که مصمم است می تواند این مشکل را حل کند و





توضیحات من

از نظر داستانی، یه فرقهای اساسی با انیمه و مانگا داشت.

جدا از روند داستان که زیاد مهم نبود.

مشکل اصلیِ من، اون قیافه‌ای است که برای کاپیتان لیوای (عشقم) در نظر گرفته بودن.

آخه نمیشد یه بازیگر جذاب‌تر میگذاشتن؟ هان؟

کل انیمه و مانگا یه ور، لیوای یه ور! اون وقت برای این فیلم از یه قیافه معمولی استفاده کرده بودن.

ولی در کل راضی بودم.

این فیلم اول بود.

بخوایی کلی حساب کنی، داستان به جایی رسید که اِرن برای اولین بار غول شد!

همون موقع که یه غول، آرمین رو گرفته بود و می‌خواست بخوره، اِرن تونست آرمین رو نجات بده و خودش توسط غول خورده شد.

ولی خودش غول شد و میکاسا و بقیه رو نجات داد.

حالا باید دید فیلم دوم تا کجا رو نشون میده.

البته روند داستان کلی با انیمه و مانگا فرق داره.

نمی‌دونم، کسی که انیمه ندیده و مانگا نخونده، این فیلم براش چی جوری است.



#Live_Action, #Attack_on_Titan, #Shingeki_no_Kyojin