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Shokugeki no Souma: San no Sara - Toutsuki Ressha-hen



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Shokugeki no Souma: San no Sara - Toutsuki Ressha-hen


نام انیمه: Shokugeki no Souma: San no Sara - Toutsuki Ressha-hen

نام انیمه: 食戟のソーマ 餐ノ皿 遠月列車篇

نام انیمه: Food Wars! The Third Plate: Totsuki Train Arc

نام انیمه: Food Wars! The Third Plate 2nd cour

نام انیمه: Shokugeki no Souma: San no Sara (2018)

ژانر: Ecchi, School Life, Shounen, Cookie

تاریخ پخش: بهار 2018

وضعیت: تمام شده

تعداد قسمت‌ها: 12 قسمت (فصل سوم – پارت دو)

مدت زمان هر قسمت: 24 دقیقه

منبع: Manga

استودیو: J.C.Staff

کارگردان: Yonetani Yoshitomo

زیرنویس فارسی و انگلیسی دارد







توضیح (منبع)

دومین بخش از فصل سوم انیمه‌ی  Shokugeki no Souma(Food War)

ادامه‌ی فصل‌های قبل می‌باشد.





Food Wars! The Third Plate - Episode 24 [Review]





Food Wars! The Third Plate - Episode 24 [Review]


What a place to end the season! Yes, we have every reason now to be hopeful that the Rebels will ultimately carry the day, and seeing Isshiki proved right about Nene's defeat at Soma's hands is very satisfying, but when you get right down to it, the season ended at the climax of the storyline we've been following for two cours now. It's not like we can't just pick up the manga and see what happens next, but if you're not a manga reader, it could feel like you've just been screwed out of the conclusion of this story.

I do think that Nene's ultimate defeat is, almost more than Isshiki's victory over Jurio, the biggest indicator of why Azami's theories are flawed. Jurio's overwhelming ego definitely helped him lose, but the real problem for Nene is that she was unable to think outside the box. While that's absolutely become a cliché at this point, it remains true that things that don't move stagnate – look at a still pond and watch its deterioration over time until it can no longer serve as a viable water source. That's what's happening with Nene (and presumably other Central members) – a lack of change is making their water unpalatable. Because no matter how classic a recipe, tastes do fluctuate over time; look up a recipe from fifty years ago and think about whether or not you find the upper-crust cuisine of those days appetizing. I don't know about you, but “jelly salad” sounds pretty grim to me.

Of course, this isn't quite that extreme, and Nene's base recipe would have worked out under normal circumstances. But her inability to think of new ways to do things is still what did her in. She's from a restaurant family just like Soma, but her training didn't teach her about the need to adjust to your environment on the fly, or even to just make changes based on an allergy or something. Soma's diner work did, so he immediately notices that the size and temperature of the competition venue will affect his final product. As Isshiki says, the minute soba was chosen as the topic for the shoukugeki, Nene was sunk, because he knew she'd just do as she'd always done and never make the needed adjustments for a new environment. It's not that her resultant dish wasn't good, but it wasn't up to the standard needed to wow judges from the World Gourmet Organization, a group that's certainly not following Azami's theories about cooking.

Significant plot wrap-up aside, this episode does leave our characters in a decent place. I love seeing how Akira is part of Alice's crew now, and it's nice to see that he's largely pleased with things even if he'll never admit it. Isshiki's finally stopped hiding behind his joviality and emerged as a force to be reckoned with, and Erina's this close to accepting that she actually does like Soma. The Polaris kids have really pulled together and brought new people into their fold, and that unity stands to be another one of their weapons going forward, because I get the feeling that the current Elite Ten isn't particularly close as friends, which robs them of the weapons of solidarity Isshiki whipped out last week. This episode is also good for its tasty-looking dishes and foodgasms; although the latter aren't particularly extreme, Anne's soba mermaid is fun, and we do get another glimpse of the Soma Chicks from the cour's start. I'm not thrilled with Nene's part in the foodgasm, screaming as her clothes are torn off, but at least this sort of thing has become much less prevalent as the series has gone on.

And that's it – season's done! It isn't nearly as satisfying as it could have been given a couple more episodes, but it does feel like an okay place to put the show on hold. As long as we get another season announced at some point, we can wait. In the meantime, the manga's out there in case you can't wait for the next plate to arrive.






Food Wars! The Third Plate - Episode 15 [Review]






Food Wars! The Third Plate - Episode 15 [Review]


Although the cooking doesn't get as much focus as it might have this episode, that doesn't matter as much as you might expect. The real meat this week is in the character development, or rather, the ongoing evolution of Erina and the strengthening bonds between her and the Rebels. While Evil Henchteacher Endo may be overstating things when he calls her the Jeanne d'Arc of rebellious students, it's clear that Erina having something that she feels strongly about has been really good for this former mean girl. Not only has it given her something to fight for, which she never had before, but it's also allowed her to actually make friends her own age. It's like Erina's going through a renaissance all her own, and that's heartening to watch.


Not that it isn't awesome to see Soma, Takumi, and Megumi throw their cooking skills in Endo's face too. The man is a disgrace to the teaching profession (among other things), and he compounds that with the unbearable arrogance that Central's way is The One True Path to culinary greatness. Whether that's something he truly thinks or he's just Azami's toady isn't particularly important; it's a bigger deal that he's gleeful about the unfair way he's literally setting students up to fail. To see Soma and his friends rub that in his snout is immensely satisfying, and depicting him naked the entire time, his clothes having exploded off in his foodgasm, underlines that he's working for an emperor with no clothes.


The second phase of the exam is actually over before the episode's halfway point, which does feel a little rushed. It's clear by the post-credits scene why this was done, as our major reveal is slipped in to make us impatient for next week, but it still doesn't work as well as it might have. Fortunately, seeing the kids hang around Sapporo makes up for it a little. Once again, this is mostly about Erina's character development, which is still exciting because she got so little in the first two seasons. Watching her be surprised that the Polaris kids want to be her friend is a little heartbreaking – she clearly doesn't think she deserves their friendship based on her past behavior. She's obviously trying to distance herself from who she used to be, as we saw in her special boot camp and when she tells Hisako this week that it's fine for her to go off with someone else. It's a surprise to her former aide, who seems to recognize what a big step this is for Erina, but even more of one for Erina when Megumi immediately decides to stick with her. Later when the two girls end up with Soma and Takumi, you can see that Erina's slightly uncomfortable, but less so than she would have been before. She's taking baby steps, and that's nice to see.


It's equally nice that Soma and Takumi seem to have ironed out their (imagined) rivalry. Soma's face when Takumi talks over him during his food brag at the exam is priceless, and I can't help feeling that Takumi is making up for all of those times he felt overwhelmed by Soma. Now the two boys seem to have developed a much more functional friendship, and since that seems to be what sets the Rebels apart from the Central groupies, it makes the story stronger.


Of course, Central has probably noticed this too, which could be inspiration for the third stage of the exam: one-on-one cook-offs with members of the Elite Ten. Apart from the continued unfairness of Erina getting the kid glove treatment (and I wonder if she'll protest that at some point), this is definitely designed to crush the Rebels' spirits in the worst way possible. By pairing Soma against the new Seventh Seat, Evil Akira (dressed like a CLAMP character from the late '90s), they're clearly trying to make a statement about the benefits offered to those who submit – Akira had a society he wanted to protect as well, and he narrowly beat Soma in the Fall Classic. Once you get over your anger at him accepting the apparent bribe of a seat on the council, both of those factors are probably worth considering. There may be more going on here than meets the eye.








Shokugeki no Souma: San no Sara



See the source image 



Shokugeki no Souma: San no Sara




نام انیمه: Shokugeki no Souma: San no Sara

نام انیمه: Food Wars! The Third Plate

نام انیمه: Shokugeki no Soma 3rd Season

نام انیمه: Shokugeki no Soma 3

نام انیمه: 食戟のソーマ 餐ノ皿

ژانر: Ecchi, School Life, Shounen

تاریخ پخش: پاییز 2017

وضعیت: تمام شده

تعداد قسمت‌ها: 12 قسمت – فصل سوم

مدت زمان هر قسمت: 24 دقیقه

منبع: Manga

استودیو: J.C.Staff

کارگردان: Yonetani Yoshitomo

زیرنویس فارسی و انگلیسی دارد




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خلاصه انیمه (منبع)

فصل سوم انیمه Shokugeki no Soma .استاگیر به پایان رسید و یوکیهیرا سوما، دانش آموز سال اول توتسوکی (بزرگترین مدرسه آشبزی و تربیت کننده بزرگان این حرفه)، به همراه سایر هم و سن و سال های خودش که تونسته بودن از این مرحله عبور کنن به مدرسه برمیگردن. اما این تنها فیلتری برای پرورش و حذف دانش آموز های کارآمد و ناکارآمد نبوده و حالا در فصل پاییز وقتشه که با یکی از بزرگترین چالش هایی که در اون ده نخبه توتسوکی هم حضور دارن ورود پیدا کنن... حال باید دید این یوکیهیرا سومایی که افقش به صدر این رنک بندی هست و خواستار جنگ آشپزی با بزرگان و ممتاز ها رو در ذهن خودش بالا پایین میکنه چطور میتونه از سد این چالش عبور کنه...